UPDATE – Looks like this past month has been a bad one for blog productivity. Mostly I’ve been focusing on chasing dollars and getting the final edits done on my next novel Bring Into Bondage, the exciting sequel to Fascinating Rhythm. Next month is looking pretty crazy on the commitment front, but, hopefully, I’ll get back on board with the blog schedule. At least, Bring Into Bondage will be ready for beta reading. I’m taking applications now. Either use the contact form at the right or sign up for my monthly missive, The Robin Goodfellow Newsletter for more details. Thanks so much!
It’s one of those things they always say when it comes to marketing your writing – make sure you post about coming projects.
Frankly, I’ve been too busy trying to make enough money to pay for the production of said coming projects to do much about producing them. However, I did put up a couple notices on my Fiction page – you’ll have to scroll down to see them.
One is for the audio book of my novel Fascinating Rhythm. I even have the first Chapter (without music or anything, just me) posted. I also have a quick advertisement for the sequel to Fascinating Rhythm that I put together a couple, three weeks ago for what reason I cannot now remember. The book is Bring Into Bondage, in which Freddie and Kathy hurry out to Kathy’s parents’ farm and try to figure out who’s been vandalizing the place before someone gets killed. I expect to have Bring Into Bondage ready for beta reading by the end of September. Send me a note via the contact form if you’re interested in being a beta reader.
And that’s all I’ve got for today. Thinking about (and cleaning up) my website has pretty much wrung out my brain for the nonce. And I really should be doing final edits. I’ll be back next week with Salad Basics II on the cooking part of the blog.
It’s amazing how much there is involved and I find that it only gets busier –
not the other way around — once you are published and marketing!
Tell me about it! But it does help to get out there. Looking for your book now.
I can’t wait to be busy on my actual book. Good for you, keep going strong!
You’ll get there. It just takes discipline (said the woman who’s been spending her day messing around on social media).
Certainly nothing wrong with making money and concentrating on your writing. Go do those final edits. Go!
Thanks for the pep talk. Off to do so.
What an exciting time for you! I’m impressed with your productivity.