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White House Rhapsody

What do you do with a novel that won’t end?

You blog the bejeebers out of it!!

In 2008, I began blogging in earnest. I started the YourFamilyViewer blog about television (which has since died). And sometime either right before or right after that, I posted Episode One of White House Rhapsody.

I originally wrote the novel in the 1980s, probably right after the Operation Quickline series fizzled. Back then, it was not the best thing I’d ever written, mostly because the darned thing wouldn’t end. Not to mention all the characters besides my two main characters who wouldn’t shut up, but kept insisting that their stories be told alongside Mark and Sharon’s.

So when blogging became a thing, I thought what the heck. I did a lot of re-writes to make it readable, and started posting. I’ve since found out that there were people who were serializing their fiction at the time. But I was among the first to do it. So excuse me if I brag that I was serializing fiction long before Amazon ever thought of it.

Please note – the ebook is a series of blog posts and the story has not ended. Think of it as the blog version of a TV series.

The Seasons so Far

Season One

From the popular romantic serial fiction blog – a story of two people desperately trying not to fall in love with each other. He’s the newly inaugurated president of the United States. She’s one of his top aides. Both Mark Jerguessen and Sharon Wheatly have many good reasons why they do not want that kind of relationship. Mark is busy running the country, and he has some secrets from his tragic past that could put Sharon in danger. Sharon has already had her time in the public eye and wants nothing more to do with it.

The problem is, she comes from a high-powered, extremely talented family. Her older brother Michael is a rock star. Her younger sisters all excel in their fields. Sharon is pretty talented, herself, speaking ten different languages fluently and skilled in working with governments. She loves high-powered guys.

But it’s not the right time, never mind that Mark’s sister and Sharon’s colleagues are all conspiring to get the couple together.

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Season Two

The popular romantic serial fiction blog continues with an event-filled second season. President Mark Jerguessen and his aide World Affairs Advisor Sharon Wheatly fight their growing attraction to each other even as their friendship grows stronger.

Sharon’s work is challenging. There’s a first foreign trip to Mexico, and a caucus of Mark’s political opponents out to make trouble, not to mention the Nigerian government playing games.

But even as Sharon settles into her job, her brother Michael is dealing with an uncooperative ex-wife and an eldest daughter determined to act. Mark’s sister June decides to tackle some of her demons. Their nephew Matt struggles with a mother determined to spy on him. When Sharon’s nieces and her colleagues two daughters get together, the four teens find a way to help Matt. Sharon grows closer to June.

As Mark’s and Sharon’s families become more entwined, keeping their distance romantically gets harder and harder.

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Season Three

The third season of the popular romantic serial fiction blog opens with World Affairs Advisor Sharon Wheatly on a date with reporter Max Epstein in an effort to stave off her growing feelings for her single boss, President Mark Jerguessen. It’s a relationship neither can afford to get into. Sharon has had her dark moments with fame and Mark has a dark secret, as well.

But their growing friendship keeps drawing them closer, even as rumors circulate about Mark and a former beauty queen. Then Mark’s abusive mother steps in, funding a scorched-earth custody battle between Sharon’s colleague Dr. Karen Tanaka and her ex-husband over their two daughters. With Kira getting closer to Mark’s nephew Matt and Sharon’s two nieces, the teens plan an escape for their friend, little knowing that it’s Matt who will use it.

Between all the trips the president is making, and staying on top of what’s going on in the world, Sharon has her hands full. She does not need to let her heart go.

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Season Four

The popular romantic serial fiction blog continues with an attempted assassination that injures World Affairs Advisor Sharon Wheatly, and President Mark Jerguessen is not happy. But there’s little he can do since the last thing he can afford to do is fall in love with Sharon.

But with Sharon getting even closer to his sister, June, who has a relapse of her eating disorder, avoiding a relationship with her boss is getting harder and harder. Still, Sharon and her friend and colleague Karen Tanaka stage an intervention for June, then one of Sharon’s friends gets kidnapped, and she and Mark have words over the rescue.

Sharon spots a touching moment between Mark and a woman senator. She has no reason to be jealous, but is anyway. Too bad she and Mark are the targets of one of the biggest conspiracies in Washington, DC: the plot to get Mark and Sharon together.

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Season Five

We’re five seasons into the popular romantic serial fiction blog, and the people around World Affairs Advisor Sharon Wheatly are juggling all kinds of issues. Her sister Susan, a dancer no long able to dance thanks to a devastating accident, has her first major success at choreography, and has moved in with Sharon’s former date, reporter Max Epstein. Sharon’s colleague on the Advisory Board, Al Eddington, is not dealing well with his wife’s death, and is targeting Sharon with his anger.

But when President Mark Jerguessen’s mother, Rose, decides to visit the White House, chaos erupts. A compromise set up by Sharon and the State Department to welcome the new German ambassador is nearly sabotaged when Rose decides to re-work the arrangements in the name of “correctness.”

Then there’s the trip to Europe that was supposed to be the easy one. Only everything that can go wrong, does. Worse yet, no matter how hard Sharon and Mark have been trying not to fall in love with each other, the conspiracy to get the two together has just gone international.

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Season Six

President Mark Jerguessen and his aide World Affairs Advisor Sharon Wheatly have finally caved in and are starting a romantic relationship as the popular romantic serial fiction blog continues. But keeping it all a secret in the glare of attention on anything connected to the White House is no easy task.

When Mark must make an unpopular decision, the two have to decide on the boundaries between their work and romantic relationships. Then Sharon muses about going public only to find that Mark is utterly terrified of what could happen if his vicious mother, Rose, decides to attack Sharon.

The problem is, friends are starting to notice that the president and his aide are attracted to each other. Worse yet, Mark and Sharon are realizing that they’d rather be together than not. Still, going public could easily ruin everything.

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