A small collection of my clips
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I have tons and tons of clips. I’ve been doing this journalism thing for quite a few years. Below is just a small sample (and with any luck at all, regularly rotated). You can click on the link and read in your browser, or download the .pdf file.

One of my all-time favorite clips
How can you beat a story about a 101-year-old woman making baby clothes for premature infants?
It’s one of my earlier stories, but it will always be one of my faves.
From the Los Angeles Times, April 1, 1993

The Oscar Meyer Weinermobile? Oh, Yeah!
I actually got to ride in the Wiernermobile, and write in all sorts of terrible puns. You can’t ask for more from a story.
From AltadenaPoint.com, February 4, 2014

What happens when ffirst responders have a crisis in their own neighborhoods?
It’s a scary thought, but well worth finding out all the ways that agencies are working to help firefighters and others cope when the action is right on top of their loved ones.
Homeland Protection Professional, November 2006

Time to Trash Your Cables? Not Yet.
Wireless HDMI was supposed to revolutionize home entertainment. It wasn’t ready then and, really, still isn’t. But it was fun getting my geek on with this one.
PC Magazine, June 26, 2007