Okay, so I’m into a lot of different things. The below links should get you to each of the different topic areas that I write about. Have fun.
Paths Not Taken
When a sting operation is set up on the resort owned by Lisa Wycherly’s father, she and Sid Hackbirn find themselves revisiting their high school jobs. And hoping their covers don’t get blown..

Paths Not Taken – Chapter Fourteen
Click here to read more chapters
The Dark Side of the Fridge
Posts about how to really cook, as opposed to merely following recipes. If you truly want to get dinner on the table with a minimum of fuss.

Surviving the Grocery Store
Check out the latest posts here
The Sewing Report
My comedy of errors as I try to make my own clothes.

The Sewing Report: Using the Scraps
Okay, laugh yourself silly here
Stray Thoughts
Rants, musings, what have you. Anything that doesn’t fit into my other topic areas.

Learning How To Write the Future
Beguile yourself with Stray Thoughts
Guest Posts
All sorts of different guests who shared on my blog.