Joan Ramirez is a fellow Sister In Crime who has an interesting take on why writing skills are so important.

When my grandmother came to America from Europe, a lack of English made her insecure about finding a skilled job. She worked in a dress factory as a seamstress and through the kindness of a friend, started to study her adopted English language. Before long, she was helping others to express themselves in writing and practice, practice, and more practice of English.
While her lack of formal education kept her working in the factory, she did meet another immigrant who courted and married her. Gerty used her improved English skills to help educate ten children. Unlike my grandmother, there are many professionals who have degrees, but their inability to express themselves clearly and concisely with effective written and verbal communication skills prevents upward job mobility.

I felt so strongly about these vital workforce skills that I obtained my second Masters to teach English as a Second Language to adults. A few years ago, I added school grade and college students to my teaching portfolio. I would like to share my knowledge, via my handbook, with you to enhance your writing and presentation skills.
A few things to keep in mind:
• Think in English –not your native language—when you write on the job
• Always draft and revise
• Show your work to a colleague before submitting to the boss
· Spellcheck manually because computers usually don’t pick up all of your spelling errors
Don’t forget to practice, practice, and practice—to develop your writing style.
You’re on your way.
You can buy The Write Rules at Barnes and Noble and other retailers.