We’ve finished another section of White House Rhapsody, the novel that would never end. Books One and Two are now available as an ebook, if you missed some episodes and want to get caught up.
Sadly, I don’t know when Book Three will be ready for the blog. There’s a lot going on, what with Sharon and Mark trying to figure out what their relationship is going to be, and whether or not they should go public.
Now, here comes the fun part…
The next serial novel will be…
These Hallowed Halls
This is Book Six in the Operation Quickline series. For those of you who read Sad Lisa, you know that Sid Hackbirn and Lisa Wycherly are at an impasse as far as their relationship is concerned. Which is kind of a good thing, since they’ve gone undercover at a small arts university, Sid as an older student and Lisa as an English professor.
Without Sid working next to her, side by side, Lisa is looking forward to finding out what she can do on her own. That’s assuming she can stay one step ahead of an enemy operative bent on killing whoever gets in the way.
Special Offer

If you haven’t stayed on top of the Operation Quickline novels – here’s your chance. I’m running a special on the ebook boxed set of the first five stories.
Normally $6.99, I’m offering the set for free from my distributor, Smashwords. You can get regular Kindle (mobi) format or ePub for your other devices. If you need help getting them onto your ereader, please comment below and I’ll touch base and get you the help you need.